Product Development
Dietary Supplement, Foods, Skincare, Sports Nutrition
I designed natural products for the manufacturing of natural food, dietary supplements, foods, personal care, and sports nutrition products for health-conscious consumers. With attention to detail, I reviewed quality documentation and investigated customer complaints investigations. I addressed manufacturing concerns and improved cross-departmental processes.
Skills Acquired + UX Relevance
Market and consumer research aids in understanding the product use case and catering the formula design to the intended consumers. I reviewed ingredients based on cost restrictions, efficacy, and availability for ingredient selection.
Customer Empathy
Natural products consumers are particular about the ingredients and sensory traits of their products, as they are long-term users. Additionally, many health-conscious consumers are more perceptive of differences in taste profiles because their diet can affect their taste perception over time.
Formula Design
Formula development included deducing the best-fit ingredients based on research insights. Formula design for supplements included more analytical components like assay strength and overage.
I prepared benchtop prototype samples in the laboratory to confirm ingredient compatibility, observe sensory properties, and record blending instructions for pilot scale-up. Formula design reiteration continues until desirable results are achieved.
Prototypes were tested for analytical, micro, and physical parameters to confirm dosage, quality, shelf life stability, and safety. Consumer panel testing of prototypes confirmed the acceptability of samples against competitor benchmarks.
Scale Up
After reiterating formulas based on feedback and observations, I scheduled and led a pilot run of the formula to test the scale-up of the formulation. After acceptable scale-up through production, documentation is finalized and then the product can run in production to be sold in the market.